This is a question I see a lot. “We have such a connection, is it okay to have sex on the first date?”

There are still a lot of outdated ideals out there about this so let’s discuss this in a little more details.


1. First and foremost, if you want to have sex on a first date that is your business and it is nothing you should be ashamed of.

The days of the long courting ritual, no sex before marriage and being branded as “easy” are long behind us.

On the other hand, if you do not want to have sex, do not feel comfortable and choose to wait, there is nothing wrong with that either.

This is something that is a personal choice and whichever you choose, you should feel 100% confident in your decision.


2. Never have sex with someone because you think it will make them like you more or stick around.

One, if someone isn’t all that interested in you, having sex with them is not going to change that. A relationship is about so much more than the sex.

Two, having sex for this reason will often lead to feeling ashamed or regretful on your part and that should never be what sex is about.


3. Safety first! 

You should always consider safety when having sex with someone your top priority. If you think sex will even be an option, bring protection.

Do not count on the other person to have it with them and insist that they use it. Protect yourself, first and foremost.


4. Expectations.

Before having sex, it may be time to have a conversation about what you are really looking for and what expectations you have.

Nothing is worse than thinking you are heading into a relationship with someone only to find out that for them it was just casual sex. There is nothing wrong with casual sex as long as both partners agree that is what it is.


5. Location, Be Reachable.

If you plan to head back to their place, tell someone where you are going to be. Get an address and make sure you pass it along to your safety net.

Keep in mind that this person may still be someone you do not know a lot about and you have to put your safety first. If they truly care about you, they will 100% understand.


Now you have what you need to be safe, have fun and make that first date one to remember!