🌺  Kurvvy 🌺

My supporters know me by Kurvvy or Kurvvy Kutie on social media, I am 25 years old from Cincinnati,Ohio. I influence on social media and am a small business owner of a plus size lingerie brand called “Kiss My Kurves” or “KMK Lingerie” for short.

I love to take photos and go on adventures. Hanging with people i love and interacting with my supporters are some of the things i love doing most!

I practiced loving on myself in the mirror, talking good things to myself out loud such as “you are THAT girl”or “you look BOMB”and more stuff just to let myself know that it’s okay to love every part of me!

Now today no one can tell me anything bad about my body or make me feel any different about the way i look!

I was in a toxic relationship for 4 years of my life straight out of high school. I got pregnant with my now soon to be 5 year old baby girl, which at the time tore my confidence down even more. I was so unhappy.

I didn’t dress how i wanted to I wasn’t following my dreams or doing anything FOR ME . My self esteem was at an all time low. I’ve been single for 2 going on 3 years now and it’s the best decision i ever made for myself.

I would never trade my body for another! I’m in a community of women that I’ve been apart of for nearly my entire life . I love being able to give back to them by showing them and inspiring them to love themselves unapologetically!

My biggest influence would have to be my mom and my daughter everything I’m doing is for them. I want to be able to give my daughter a life i never had growing up and i want to give back to my mom in abundance what she gave to me as a child.

Don’t ever settle for less. Do what’s best for you. Don’t let anyone EVER stop you from doing what you love. You’re worth it baby girl and one day you’re going to be everything you thought you would never be. I love you and you got this Queen.

I follow many plus size influencers that have taught me new ways on how to love myself or just me watching them and following suit on being myself without needing anyones approval !

Also the haters they motivate me to keep on making them mad because at the end of the day the love i have for myself and others will always outshine any negative energy that could be thrown my way by someone that knows nothing about me in real life!!! The love people have for me always outweighs the hate!

I think that social media has played a major roll in the body positivity movement. We are able to speak out and be heard to normalize the fact that our bodies are beautiful regardless of size or even gender!

Everyone is so beautiful and unique in their own ways and i love seeing it everyday people reclaiming their power to love them!

A supporter of mine sent me the link to this page and I’ve enjoyed every minute of being apart of the Curvy Angels community!!

I do own a plus size lingerie business which you can find to hopefully shop with me at www.kmklingerie.com also supporting me on social media is a big deal for me!! You can follow me @KurvvyKutie on all platforms ! I appreciate all my supporters and do my best to make sure they know that.

Thank you to Curvy Angels for featuring me on this platform.